Dr Gabrielle Dezanaulds

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Vasectomy Reversal Australia

Regain your fertility with expert microsurgical vasectomy reversal using a state of the art, high-powered surgical microscope and the highest quality microsurgical instruments is superior to operating without a microscope

Get To Know Dr Gabrielle Dezarnaulds

Dr Gabrielle Dezarnaulds graduated with honours from the University of Sydney and continued through specialty and sub-specialty training over more than 10 years. She is now a Royal Australian College certified subspecialist in reproductive microsurgery and infertility (a specialists’ specialist).

Vasectomy Reversal

Vasectomy reversal is a cost effective “one step” method of reclaiming your fertility successfully in the majority of men.

Whether you’ve had a change of circumstance or a change of mind a vasectomy reversal is usually effective at restoring fertility. You can expect patency (sperm) in up to 90% of men after Vasectomy Reversal and depending on the woman’s age most couples will then conceive naturally.

The success of your surgery depends on the experience and expertise of your surgeon. For the last 17 years I have been helping men and couples achieve pregnancy.

Please explore below for detail on all aspects of vasectomy reversal, the costs and decision process or call or email my rooms and organise a no charge phone consult at your convenience.

Full explanation of vasectomy reversal success rates

    Obligation and Cost-Free Telephone Consultation

    49  +    =  57


    Consideration of options including vasectomy reversal and IVF will be discussed with Dr Dezarnaulds at your pre-operative consult.

    +95% Success Rate

    The microsurgical sutures are finer than a human hair.


    Patients choosing day stay are discharged three hours after surgery.


    Complications are rare.


    Out of Pocket Cost as low as $4,400

    Impressive results

    Vasectomy reversal is a cost effective “one step” method of reclaiming your fertility successfully in the majority of men.


    Predictors of success

    Your partner's age and the time that has passed since your vasectomy are the two key predictors of success.


    Surgeon's experience

    Dr Dezarnaulds is a certified reproductive microsurgeon and has performed hundreds of microsurgical vasectomy reversals.

    IVF Alternative

    If you want child(ren) after a vasectomy your choice is a vasectomy reversal or your partner having IVF and you having a surgical sperm retrieval.

    Predictors of successful vasectomy reversal

    There are a range of predictors of successful vasectomy reversal which you should consider when making a decision to reverse your vasectomy. These include the length of time from your initial vasectomy to its reversal, your partners age and if you have had a prior IVF sperm extraction. The expertise and experience of your surgeon matters. → Read about the predictors of successful vasectomy reversal

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    Cost of vasectomy reversal

    Vasectomy reversal is provided at a reasonable and predictable total cost (Surgeon, Anaesthetist and hospital fees are all transparent).

    If you have health insurance and medicare the out of pocket cost is as low as $4,400. For those without insurance, as low as $7,800.

    Deciding between vasectomy reversal and IVF?

    You may be trying to choose between vasectomy reversal or IVF. It is best to consider this decision not as an ‘either-or’ issue but rather a question of what order you should undergo each treatment. By this I mean whether vasectomy reversal or IVF is the wisest first choice.

    I generally recommend vasectomy reversal as the first step. It is a single procedure and usually means that your partner can avoid IVF (and you a surgical sperm retrieval).

    Also important in this decision is that extracting sperm for IVF, a surgical procedure, taken from either the epididymis (PESA) or testis (TESE) runs the risk of damaging the path of the sperm leaving the testis. Therefore reducing the chance of successful vasectomy reversal if you choose to have one in the future.

    On the other hand if vasectomy reversal is undertaken first then, on average, 90% of men will achieve the presence of sperm. If pregnancy does not occur naturally the presence of sperm simplifies IVF (no need for surgical sperm retrieval).

    This means that if you first do a Vasectomy Reversal and then do IVF, over time, you are more likely to have success than if you do it the other way arround. So while IVF is an excellent treatment when undertaken at a high quality IVF clinic such as Genea it is my view that in most cases vasectomy reversal is the wisest first choice.

    Decide whether IVF or vasectomy reversal is best for you

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Yes.  A referral from your general practitioner is necessary in order to obtain a Medicare rebate or health insurance rebate.
    You do not need a referral prior to your initial (no charge) phone consultation with Dr Dezarnaulds.

    If you choose ‘day stay’ (all Genea patients and an option at Strathfield Private Hospital) you will remain in recovery for approximately 3 hours after surgery and then be discharged.  If you choose overnight stay (Strathfield Private Hospital) you will be discharged the morning after surgery.  For most men who travel from interstate or live more than one hour drive away it makes sense to stay overnight.  

    Complications can occur with any surgery.  They are rare with vasectomy reversal.Potential complications include haematoma (a collection of blood in the scrotum), infection, unusual scar tissue and post operative pain.
    → More information on the risks of vasectomy reversal
    The cost mainly depends on whether you have medicare and private health insurance (and your policy excess).
    For those with medicare and private health insurance the out of pocket expense for vasectomy reversal is as low as $4,400. If you do not hold health insurance but have medicare the out of pocket expense is approximately $7,800. A booking payment is due 4 weeks prior to your surgery.
    → Detail on the cost to reverse vasectomy

    Yes.  Your rebate will depend entirely on the exact details of your health insurance policy.  You are advised to check with your health fund before surgery.

    Payment for surgery is required prior to admission to hospital and can be by electronic funds transfer, bank cheque or credit Card.

    The results of vasectomy reversal procedures are impressive with the restoration of fertility in the majority of men and successful pregnancy in most couples when the female partners age is less than 35 years. The results decrease slowly with time from vasectomy and fairly quickly when female age is greater than 40 years.
    → Read more about vasectomy reversal success rates

    Considerations and queries about vasectomy reversal

    Common issues

    The most common question are about success rates, cost and recovery. These questions are each addressed on their own pages.  Below are brief answers to other common questions. 

    Pre-operative tests

    In the majority of men no pre-operative tests are undertaken (as per The American Society of Reproductive Medicine’s  guidelines).

    Fasting prior to surgery

    You will be advised about fasting prior to surgery.  Generally it is simply nothing to eat or drink from after dinner the night prior to surgery. 

    How soon after surgery can you resume sex

    Avoid sexual intercourse for four weeks after surgery. 

    Trying to achieve pregnancy

    I advise waiting three months after surgery prior to trying to conceive.  Generally it takes this long for a reasonable sperm number to be passing.  

    Medical certificate for your employer

    On the day of surgery you will be given a certificate for 1 week off work. Should you need more time or a certificate for light duties for longer (if you have a physical job) please request from my team.